About Us

About Us

Ecademy is an online, on-demand video library that provides practical content for project managers, project team members, project sponsors, program personnel, and anyone else participating in project- based work.

In the emerging ‘gig economy’, workers will need the knowledge and skills required to work effectively and efficiently on short-term, contract-based jobs, AKA “gigs”, AKA “projects”. Current projections estimate that 40% of the workforce will be engaged in this type of work by 20201, and with roughly 30% of the global economy being project-based2, the importance of developing project management capability has never been more clear, or more urgent.

The No.1 Priority of PMO Managers

Indeed, developing project management talent was identified as the number one priority of PMO managers in 20173 : more important than tools; more important than methodology; in fact, more important than all of their other priorities, combined.

Not only have we got to develop this talent in ourselves, our teams and our organisations, but we have to maintain and continually improve the way we deliver products, services and outcomes going forward.

This is where we come in

Elemental Projects specialises in developing project management talent. We do this through face-to- face training, interactive workshops, executive coaching, gamified simulations, and now, with Ecademy, bite-sized videos designed to educate and upskill project and program personnel, just-in- time.

1 “Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030.” Stanford University. September 2016. https://ai100.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/ai_100_report_0901fnlc_single.pdf
2 Turner, J.R., 2014, The Handbook of Project-Based Management, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, New York
3 “Pulse of the Profession”, PMI, 2017